
Showing posts from December, 2020

Corporate Travel Agency Asks: Are You Insured When You Travel On Business?

  Who wouldn’t want international travel to be part of their job description?  Most people consider business travel a status symbol and a perk of the job – in fact, according to a survey by the accommodation website for Business, 30 percent of people who travel on business would take a job at a lower salary if they could travel more. Similar research by the website indicates that 41 percent of workers want to do more business travel. This suggests that company bosses may be underestimating the value of business travel as an incentive and an element of remuneration. The research shows that more and more employees are blurring the line between business and leisure by extending trips to include leave time in overseas destinations. Nearly half (49 percent) of respondents in the survey had done so in the previous 12 months and a third of them intended to do so again at the earliest opportunity. In fact, the trend is so well establis...